At the beginning of the year, I had a lot of issues with coming up with a project. Part of the issue was my own mental block against creating original ideas. While I consider myself a creative person, innovative is not a word I'd use. I've never been particularly skilled at coming up with ideas for Expo projects--I can build off of ideas others have created, but creating a new idea entirely is a different story. I struggled a lot at the beginning to find something I was passionate about that didn't currently exist. It wasn't until one day where I came to school and noticed how lethargic all my fellow students were that I began to get an idea. I wanted to create something that didn't currently exist to help students get an energy boost at the beginning of the day, and at any other point where they were feeling particularly tired. Still, I had to navigate the wide range of products already on the market to create something new. I knew I didn't want to make anything ingestible, because there are already so many caffeinated items out there. I also didn't want to just encourage people to exercise, because it's not as simple as that for many people. I wanted something easy that anybody could safely use in order to keep themselves awake. After some collaboration with teachers, I landed on the idea of creating a bracelet.

Similar to the Apple Watch shown here, the bracelet will have interchangeable bands and a thicker part that will rest on top of your wrist. I initially wanted to make it thin and delicate, but because of how I plan to integrate vibrations into the bracelet, it would need to have a slightly larger panel such as the one in the Apple Watch. It will be much simpler, however; Fluct.u.wake's only features are the vibrations and an optional essential oil integration, both to increase your wellbeing throughout the day. It took a lot to get to the point I'm at today, but I'm excited about the future.