The past few weeks have been challenging for all of us as we learned how to adapt to the new circumstances of quarantine. We have been separated from friends and family, and have had to change a lot about the way we do everyday activities. But with that comes resilience and strength. We have been given the gift of time, to experiment with new things and persevere for hours that we didn't use to have.
Such is the case for me and my Capstone project. I never expected making the Blender model to take me such a long time, but I wanted to do it right. Below was my first "final" model.

As you can see, there's no color. It has some shading and gloss, which took me plenty of time on its own to do, but it's pretty basic.

This was my next "final" model. The same basic shapes, now with colors. I actually took the hex codes of two of the colors on my website to ensure that it would fit the color scheme. I also wanted to show two possible color options on the product page of my website. I created the product page using this picture, and came up with some color options for the band and battery pack. Some were simple, such as black, white, and silver, but others I took the hex codes from the website again to use.
When I was writing the description for the bracelet, I started to write "not only is the bracelet aesthetically pleasing." This made me pause. For the little experience with Blender I had, the model wasn't terrible, but I wanted to make it better. This wasn't the idea I originally had in mind for my bracelet. Of course, without the materials I was supposed to have, and my limited Blender knowledge, it was difficult to make something exactly how I wanted it to look. However, I could do something similar. I decided to add a texture to my bracelet so it would look a) more realistic and b) more aesthetically pleasing. It took me longer than I'd like to admit to figure out how to add a texture to the basic shapes. And once I did that, I still couldn't get it to show up in my rendered image. I used plenty of forum boards to find the solutions, in addition to my own experimentation, but I finally figured out how to do it. I'm very happy that I kept persevering, because I'm proud of my final final product.
