This is my general logo; the website header, banner, and any other straight line will have this logo. However, as part of my Instagram and website logo, I had to adjust it so that it makes a circle. I used Sketchpad for my initial logo, but with the limited tools on that website, I couldn't make it bend how I wanted it to. As a result, I went to Photoshop, a software with which I'm not as familiar. Sketchpad is very user-friendly and simple to understand, but there's a learning curve that comes with Photoshop. I ended up using the Warp tool to bend the curves how I wanted, and then stitched them together to make the circular logo.

This is the logo that I'm using for Instagram and the website. There was a brief moment where I accidentally turned the whole thing black and white, and I hadn't saved it yet, so I was very worried I'd have to do the whole thing over. I realized that I had somehow created another layer that turned it into greyscale, so I just deleted that and everything worked out. It was a bit of a challenge getting my logo to look how I wanted, but I'm glad that I was able to figure it out.