As I stated in my last post, COVID-19 has placed some restrictions on my project. As a result, I will have to make "The Biggest Pivot Ever." If I had any way to access the materials at school, it would be a little easier to create the deliverable, but I'll have to do it some other way. I believe that without the materials for the bracelet, the best way to display my idea is to make some sort of 3D version, such as on Blender. It won't be the same, as I can't prove that the bracelet will work, but I can design it on Blender and then make an animation to show how it's supposed to work. I can animate it vibrating and possibly show how the brain waves change as the body processes the vibrations.

^^ Here's an example of an aesthetically pleasing bracelet made on Blender. I'm not sure if I'll be able to create something like that with my limited knowledge of Blender, but I can certainly try!
I plan to email my jewelry-designing mentor again to see if there is any way we can video conference or call in order to design the bracelet, because I still want to make the design aesthetically pleasing. I also want to make an aesthetically pleasing website that shows the openness and excitement that comes with wearing my bracelet. This includes still having the option to pick a scent at checkout to improve the focusing aspect of the bracelet. I want the website to be interactive for everyone, regardless of the bracelet's existence.
Overall, I'm optimistic about my project going forward. Although it's sad that I won't be able to try my hand at designing a bracelet in real life, I will be able to improve my 3D modeling skills, and I will have to learn how to adjust to an unforeseen circumstance. I think this will be good practice for the future, where my life isn't all perfectly planned out and circumstances change all the time.